
This December has been a difficult month for me, filled with stress, pain, grief and worry. Some of that has been relieved now, but the exhaustion has yet to pass. Last weekend, nature showed itself from its most beautiful side and proved once more that a long walk in the face of such beauty can…


And now for something completely different. This series is based on one image that I had experimentally created some years ago. I liked the result a lot, but had not pursued the idea at the time. I picked the theme up again recently, and the images in the gallery Mirrormask are what happen when one…

Gone too soon

Because autumn is always gone too soon and every year there is one autumn less to live for… Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes…

Harbinger of Spring

Spring feels different this year. It is late. The nights are still cold and nature seems reluctant to wake from it’s winter slumber. It seems like a mirror to the ongoing restrictions on society. The sense of renewal that spring invokes feels deceptive this year. The death of my dog last month still puts a…

At the Mountains of Madness

Sometimes the books you read are so strong in imagery that they become part of your internal landscape and remain with you for a very long time. Lovecraft’s novella had that kind of impact on me and even though its setting is in arctic regions, these craggy alpine mountain peaks evoked this story in my…